MBBS Part 1


The course outline is as follows :- 
1. History of anatomy and the different disciplines of the subject 
2. Explain anatomical nomenclature 
Skeletal System 
1. Axial skeleton 
2. Different bones of human body 
3. Axial and appendicular skeleton 
4. Functions of bone 
5. Classification on the basis of development, region  and function 
6. General concepts of ossification of  bones 
7. Parts of young bone 
8. Blood supply of long bones 
9. Anatomical factors in bone injury (clinical). 
1. Structural , regional and functional classification of joints 
2. Characteristics of synovial joints 
3. Classification of synovial joints 
4. Movements of synovial joints 
5. Anatomy of joints with reference to dislocation and injury (clinical). 
1. Parts of a muscle 
2. Classification  of muscle 
3. Blood supply and nerve supply of muscle 
4. Anatomy of the neuromuscular junction 
5. Anatomy of muscle with reference to sprain, spasm and injury 
Cardiovascular System 
1. The cardiovascular system 
2. Arterial and venous system 
Lymphatic System  
1. Anatomy of lymph node 
2. Anatomy of lymph vessels 
3. Function of lymphatic system Nervous System 
1. Nervous system in general 
2. Different parts of nervous system and their functions 
3. Anatomical arrangements of the cranial and spinal nerves in general 
4. Autonomic nervous system 
Skin and Fascia 
1. Brief anatomy of the skin, superficial and deep fascia 
1. Cell as a whole 
2. Different components of a cell and description of its functions 
3. Anatomy of cell membrane 
4. Different parts of a microscope and their function 
5. Types of epithelium and their anatomical location 
6. Connective tissues and its function 
7. Histological appearance of cartilage 
8.  Histological appearance of bone 
9. Cartilage and bone 
10. Identification of connective tissue, cartilage and bone under  microscope 
11. Histological features of muscle 
12. Identification of muscle tissues under microscope 
13. Histological features of central venous system 
14. Histological features of peripheral nerve and spinal cord 
15. Identification of nerve under microscope 
16. Histology of lymphoid tissue 
17. Identification of lymphoid tissue under microscope 
18. Histology of blood vessel 
19. Identification of blood vessel under microscope 
20. Histology of skin 
21. Identification of skin under microscope 
1. Male and female reproductive organs 
2. Cell division and gametogenesis 
3. Fertilization, cleavage, blastocyst formation and implantation of the embryo 
4. Stages of early embryonic  development in second and third week of 
intrauterine life 
5. Development of embryo and foetus 
6. Foetal membrane (amniotic cavity, yolk sac, allantois, umbilical cord and 
placenta) GENETICS
1. Basic principles of genetics 
2. Structure and function of genes and DNA 
3. Relationship of genes and DNA 
4. Teratogenesis 
 The study of gross anatomy must lay emphasis on applied anatomy as related to 
clinical medicine and surgery, radiological anatomy, surface anatomy and cross sectional 
 Dissection, dissected specimens, models, and computer aided programs, x-rays and 
CT scans can be used. 
Upper Limb 
Duration 11 weeks 
Lower Limb 
Duration 11 weeks 
Duration 7 weeks 
Clinical Module 
1. Common developmental anomalies 
2. Clinical effects of nerve injuries of the upper limb 
3. Clinical effects of nerve injuries of the lower  limb 
4. Clinical importance of coronary circulation

1.  Gray’s Anatomy by Prof. Susan Standring 39
 Ed., Elsevier.  
2.  Clinical Anatomy for Medical Students by Richard S.Snell.  
3.  Clinically Oriented Anatomy by Keith Moore.  
4.  Clinical Anatomy by R.J. Last, Latest Ed. 
5.  Cunningham’s Manual of Practical Anatomy  by G.J. Romanes, 15
Vol-I, II and III.  
6.  The Developing Human. Clinically Oriented Embryology by Keith L. Moore, 
7.  Wheater’s Functional Histology by Young and Heath, Latest Ed.  
8.  Medical Histology by Prof. Laiq Hussain. 
9.  Neuroanatomy by Richard S.Snell. 


The course outline is as follows : 
1. Functional organization of human body 
2. Homeostasis 
3. Control systems in the body 
4. Cell membrane and its functions 
5. Cell organelles and their functions 
6. Genes --their control and function 
1. Composition and general functions of blood 
2. Plasma proteins their production and function 
3. Erythropoiesis and red blood cell function  
4. Structure, function, production and different types of haemoglobin 
5. Iron absorption storage and metabolism 
6. Blood indices 
7. Function, production and type of white blood cells 
8. Function and production of platelets 
9. Clotting mechanism of blood 
10. Blood groups and their role in blood transfusion 
11. Complications of blood transfusion with reference to ABO & RH incompatibility 
12. Components of reticuloendothelial system their gross and microscopic structure 
including (tonsil, lymph node and spleen) 
13. Development and function  of reticuloendothelial system  
Clinical Module 
1. Anemia and its different types 
2. Blood indices in various disorders 
3. Clotting disorders (Haemophilia etc.) 
4. Blood grouping and cross matching 
5. Immunity 
Nerve and Muscle 
1. Structure and function of neuron 
2. Physiological properties of nerve fibers 
3. Physiology of action potential 
4. Conduction of nerve impulse 
5. Nerve degeneration and regeneration 
6. Synapses 
7. Physiological structure of muscle 8. Skeletal muscle contraction 
9. Skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscle contraction 
10. Neuromuscular junction and transmission 
11.  Excitation contraction coupling 
12. Structure and function of motor unit 
Clinical Module 
1. Perform nerve conduction studies and explain their clinical importance 
2. Myopathies and neuropathies 
3. Peripheral nerve injuries 
Cardiovascular System 
1. Heart and circulation 
2. Function of cardiac muscle 
3. Cardiac pacemaker and cardiac muscle contraction 
4. Cardiac cycle 
5. ECG, its recording and interpretation 
6. Common arrhythmias and its mechanism of development 
7. Types of blood vessels and their function 
8. Hemodynamics of blood flow (local control systemic circulation its regulation 
and control) 
9. Peripheral resistance its regulation and effect on circulation 
10. Arterial pulse 
11. Blood pressure and its regulation 
12. Cardiac output and its control 
13. Heart sounds and murmurs 
14. Importance, circulation, and control of venous returnon 
15. Coronary circulation 
16.  Splanchnic, pulmonary and cerebral circulation 
17. Triple response and cutaneous circulation 
18. Foetal circulation and circulatory changes at birth 
Clinical Module 
1. Clinical significance of cardiac cycle, correlation of ECG and heart sounds to 
cardiac cycle 
2. Clinical significance of cardiac cycle, interpretation of ischemia and arrhythmias 
3. Effects of hypertension 
4. Clinical significance of heart sounds 
5. Effects of ischemia 
6.  Shock 
Respiratory System 
1. Function of respiratory tract 
2. Respiratory and non-respiratory function of the lungs 
3. Mechanics of breathing 
4. Production & function of surfactant and compliance of lungs 5. Protective reflexes 
6. Lung volumes and capacities including dead space 
7. Diffusion of gases across the alveolar membrane 
8. Relationship between ventilation and perfusion 
9. Mechanism of transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide in blood 
10. Nervous and chemical regulation of respiration 
11. Abnormal breathing 
12.  Hypoxia, its causes and effects 
13.  Cyanosis, its causes and effects
Clinical Module 
1. Clinical importance of lung function tests 
2. Causes of abnormal ventilation and perfusion 
3. Effects on pneumothoax, pleural effusion, and pneumonia 
4. Respiratory failure 
5. Artificial respiration and uses & effects of O2 therapy 
6. Clinical significance of hypoxia, cyanosis, and dyspnoea 
Skin and Body Temperature Regulation 
1. Use of the microscope 
2. Determination of haemoglobin 
3. Determination of erythrocyte sedimentation rate 
4. Determining packed cell volume 
5. Measuring bleeding and clotting time 
6. RBC count 
7. Red cell indices 
8. WBC count 
9. Leucocyte count 
10. Prothrombin and thrombin time 
Respiratory System 
1. Pulmonary volume, their capacities and clinical interpretation 
Cardiovascular System 
1. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (to be coordinated with the department of medicine) 
2. Examination of arterial pulse 
3. ECG recording and interpretation 
4. Arterial blood pressure 5. Effects of exercise and posture on blood pressure 
6. Apex beat and normal heart sounds 

1. Textbook of Physiology by Guyton and Hall, Latest Ed.  
2. Review of Medical Physiology by William F. Ganong, Latest Ed. 
3. Physiology by Berne and Levy, Latest Ed.
4. Human Physiology : The Basis of Medicine  by Gillian Pocock, 
Christopher D. Richards, Latest Ed. 
5. Physiological Basis of Medical Practice  by John B. West and Taylor,  

The course outline is as follows : 
Cell Biochemistry  
1. Biochemical composition and functions of the cell 
2. Cell membranes and their chemical composition 
3. Importance of lipids and proteins in cell membranes 
4. Chemistry of signals and receptors 
5. Membrane transport including active transport, passive transport, simple and 
facilitated diffusion 
6. Methods to study cell biochemistry 
Acid Base Balance and Body Fluids 
1. Ionization of water, week acids and bases 
2. pH and pH scale 
3. pK values, dissociation constant and titration curve of week acids 
4. Body buffers and their mechanism of action 
5. Henderson – Hesselbach equation 
6. Acid base regulation in human body 
7. Biochemical mechanisms for control of water and electrolyte balance 
8. Types of particles in solution 
9. Importance of selectively permeable membranes, osmosis and osmotic 
pressure, surface tension, viscosity also in relation to body fluids 
Clinical Module 
1. Acid base control in clinical setting 
1. Carbohydrates, their biochemical function and classification 
2. Structure, functions and derivatives of monosaccharides 
3. Structure and function of oligosaccharides and disaccharides 
4. Polysaccharides and their biochemical role 
5. Biomedical importance of carbohydrates 
Clinical Module 
1. Clinical importance of carbohydrates 
1. Proteins and their biochemical importance 
2. Physicochemical , functional nutritional and structural properties of proteins 
3. Structure, functions and properties of amino acids 
4. Amino acids and their nutritional significance 
5. Importance of amino acids in pH maintenance 6. Separation of proteins, salting out, electrophoreisis, chromatography and 
7. Immunoglobulins and their biochemical function 
8. Plasma proteins and their clinical function 
Clinical Module 
1. Clinical importance of proteins and amino acids 
2. Clinical significance of immunoglobulins 
3. Plasma proteins in clinical practice 
Nucleotide and Nucleic Acids 
1. Nucleotides and their biochemical role 
2. Structure, function and biochemical role of nucleotides 
3. Synthesis of purines and pyramidines and their clinical role 
4. Structure, function and types of nucleic acids 
Clinical Module 
1. Clinical significance of nucleic acids and nucleotides 
1. Classification of lipids and their biochemical functions 
2. Structure and biochemical function of phospholipids, glycolpids, and 
3. Classification of fatty acids and their biochemical functions 
4. Functions of essential fatty acids 
5. Eicosanoides and their function in health and disease  
6. Steroids and their biochemical role 
7. Cholesterol, its structure chemistry and function 
8. Lipid peroxidation and its significance 
Clinical Module 
1. Clinical significance of lipids 
2. Clinical importance of steroids 
1. Classification/ Nomenclature 
2. Enzymes and catalysts 
3. Function of enzymes and catalysts 
4. Co-enzymes and co-factors 
5. Iso-enzymes and their clinical importance 
6. Factors affecting enzyme activity (Michaelis – Menten and Lineweaverbuk 
7. Classification of enzyme inhibitors and their biochemical importance 
8. Therapeutic use and application of enzymes in clinical diagnosisClinical Module 
1.   Importance of enzyme in clinical practice 
1. Porphyrins and metabolism of haem 
2. Synthesis and structure of haemoglobin 
3. Types and function of haemoglobin 
4. O2 binding capacity of haemoglobin and factors regulating & affecting it 
5. Breakdown of haemoglobin, formation of bile pigments their transport and 
6. Biochemical causes of hyper-bilirubinaemia and differentiation between 
different types of jaundice 
7. Causes and types of haemoglobinopathies 
8. Porphyrias  
Vitamins and Minerals 
1. Vitamins and their different types 
2. Classification of vitamins, their chemical structure & biochemical function 
3. Absorption of vitamins and minerals 
4. Daily requirements, sources of water and fat soluble vitamins 
5. Effects of vitamin deficiency 
6. Role of vitamins as co-enzymes 
7. Hypervitaminosis 
8. Minerals in human nutrition, sources, biochemical actions and recommended 
daily allowance (RDA). 
9. Sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur, iodine, fluoride 
10.  Trace elements as Fe, Zn, Se, I, Cu, Cr, Cd and  Mn  
1. Caloric requirements of the body 
2.  Balanced diet 
3. Protein energy malnutrition 
4. Marasmus 
5. Kwashiorkor 
6. Marasmic-kwashiorkor 
7. Nutritional requirements in: 
ƒ Pregnancy 
ƒ Lactation 
ƒ New born 
ƒ Nutritional disorders 
1. Introduction to laboratory technique / equipment 
2. Preparation of solution / normal solution and normal saline 
3. Qualitative analysis on carbohydrates, proteins, and fats 
4. Chemical analysis of urine (normal and abnormal specimens) RECOMMENDED BOOKS 
1. Harper’s Biochemistry by Robbert K. Murray, Daryl K. Granner, Peter A. 
Mayes, Victor W. Rodwell, Latest Ed. 
2. Lippincott’s Illustrated Review of Biochemistry  by Pamela C. Champe and 
Richard A. Harvey, Latest Ed. 
3. Practical Clinical Biochemistry by Varley. 
4. Textbook of Biochemistry by Devlin, 5
5. Textbook of Medical Biochemistry Vol-I and II by M.A. Hashmi. 
6. Biochemistry by Stryer, Lubert, Latest Ed. (D) BEHAVIOURAL SCIENCES
The course outline is as follows : 
1. Introduction  
ƒ Behavioural Sciences and their importance in health.   
ƒ Bio-Psycho-Social Model of Healthcare.  
ƒ Desirable attitudes.  
ƒ Correlation of brain, mind and Behavioural Sciences.  
ƒ Roles of a doctor.  
2.  Understanding Behaviour  
ƒ Sensation, sense organs / special organs.  
ƒ Perception and factors affecting it.  
ƒ Attention and concentration.  
ƒ Memory and its stages, types and methods to improve it.  
ƒ Types and theories of thinking.  
ƒ Cognition and levels of cognition. 
ƒ Problem solving and decision making strategies.  
ƒ Communication. Its types, modes and factors affecting it. Non-verbal cues. 
ƒ Characteristics of a good communicator.  
3.  Personality and Intelligence  
ƒ Stages and characteristics of psychological growth and development.  
ƒ Personality and development theories of personality. Factors affecting 
personality development.  
ƒ Assessment of personality. Influence of personality in determining reactions 
during health, disease, hospitalization, stress, etc.  
ƒ Intelligence and its types. Relevance of IQ and EQ. Methods of enhancing 
EQ and effectively using IQ. Factors affecting intelligence and their 
4.  Stress Management  
ƒ Definition and classification of stress and stressors.  
ƒ Relationship of stress and stressors with illness.  
ƒ Stress and health.  
ƒ Anxiety.  
ƒ Coping skills.  
ƒ Psychological defence mechanisms  
ƒ Conflict and frustration.  
ƒ Adjustment and maladjustment.  
ƒ Patient anxiety / stress.  ƒ Psychological theories of pain perception and patients’ experience of pain.  
ƒ Treatment adherence and compliance.  
ƒ Psychological techniques including hypnosis.  
5.  Doctor – Patient Relationship 
ƒ Concept of boundaries and psychological reactions in doctor – patient 
relationship (such as transference and counter transference) 
6.  Medical Ethics   
ƒ Introduction of Ethics in health professionals.  
ƒ Hippocratic Oath – Do’s and Don’ts. 
ƒ Responsibilities of health professionals.  
ƒ Responsibilities of health professionals.  
ƒ Concept of medical ethics.  
ƒ Interaction with patients and colleagues. 
ƒ Standards of ethical medical practice.  
ƒ Common ethical dilemmas in doctor – patients relations. Interaction with 
families, teachers, pharmaceutical industry.  
ƒ Rights of patients and doctor (in international law, constitution of Pakistan, 
PMDC, Islam). 
ƒ Informed consent. 
ƒ Patient confidentiality.  
ƒ Disclosure of information. 
ƒ Code regarding advertisement of services and publicity.  
1. A Handbook of Behavioural Sciences for Medical and Dental 
Students by Mowadat H. Rana, Sohail Ali and Mansoor Mustafa, 2006, 
University of Health Sciences Lahore.  
2.  Medicine in Society ; Behavioural Sciences for Medical Students, 
edited by Christopher Dowrick, 2001, Arnold Publisher. 
3. Behavioural Sciences in Clinical Medicine by Wolf, Stewert, 
4. Developmental Psychology for Healthcare Professions by 
Katherine A. Billingham.